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1st of July International Day of Action against the Operation Kahaar! – ICSPWI – English and spanish

While the genocide is perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Zionists of the Israeli government, the Yankee imperialists and various states that call themselves “democratic”, in India, the largest “democracy in the world”, the friend of Netanyahu and the Zionists, the Prime Minister Modi, continues his genocidal strategy against the Adivasis and the revolutionary movement, this time with the called Operation Kaagar.

Having bravely and heroically resisted the genocidal Operation Green Hunt and the continued genocidal campaigns, the revolutionary movement and indigenous peoples of India are facing a new offensive by the Brahmanical Hindutva State.

The Indian ruling classes, concerned about the revolutionary movement of the people, praise all their armed machines to eliminate the revolutionary movement with the mission to get a “Maoist-free India” by the end of 2024.

We cannot remain impassive in the face of this new fascist attempt by the Indian government to eliminate the only alternative to this system of exploitation and oppression of the people.

Therefore, as ICSPWI, we call on all the revolutionary individuals and organizations, political activists and revolutionary masses to struggle and resist the crimes of the reactionary Indian State and expose these crimes.

For this 1st of July, we launch a call to carry out actions at embassies, consulates and other institutions and interests of India in the world, according to the national and local conditions in each country, to be a fist of unity of internationalist solidarity which hits with determination the fascist and genocidal regime of Modi and the new genocidal operation Kahaar, to show, with our fists raised, our unconditional support for the people’s masses of India, for the glorious people’s war and the party that leads it, as an inseparable part of the World Proletarian Revolution.






 ICSPWI 19 th june 2024 

1 Julio día internacional de acción 
contra la Operación Kahaar!
Mientras se perpetra el genocidio contra el pueblo Palestino por los sionistas del gobierno de Israel, los imperialistas yanquis y diversos estados que se llaman “democráticos”. En la India, en la mayor “democracia del mundo”, el amigo de Netanyahu y de los sionistas, el Primer Ministro Modi, continua con su estrategia genocida contra los Adivasis y el movimiento revolucionario, de esta vez denominada Operación Kaagar.
Después de resistir valientemente y heroicamente a la operación genocida Green Hunt y a sus continuas campañas genocidas, el movimiento revolucionario y los pueblos indígenas de la India se enfrentan a una nueva ofensiva del Estado brahmánico Hindutva. 
Las clases dominantes indias, preocupadas por el movimiento revolucionario del pueblo, ensalzan todas sus maquinarias armadas para eliminar el movimiento revolucionario en esta misión de una “India libre de maoístas” para finales del año 2024.
No podemos quedar impasibles ante este nuevo intento fascista del gobierno de la India de eliminar la única alternativa a este sistema de explotación y de opresión de los pueblos.
Por eso, desde el CIAGPI hacemos un llamado a todas las personalidades y organizaciones revolucionarias, activistas políticos y masas revolucionarias a luchar y resistir los crímenes del gobierno reaccionario indio y exponer estos crímenes.
Este 1 de Julio lanzamos un llamado a realizar acciones en embajadas, consulados y otras instituciones e intereses de la India en el mundo, en función de las condiciones nacionales y locales de cada país, para ser un puño de unidad de solidaridad internacionalista para golpear con determinación al régimen fascista y genocida de Modi y su nueva operación genocida Kahaar y para mostrar con el puño en alto, nuestro apoyo incondicional a las masas populares de la India, a la gloriosa guerra popular y al partido que la dirige, como parte inseparable de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial.

CIAPI - 19 junio 2024

Let us fight for the freedom of Comrade George Abdallah CPI(MAOIST) – text for international week and 15 june’s demostration

appel à la semaine internationale d’action et à la manifestation  national du 15 juin


« Gaza ne portera jamais le drapeau blanc de la capitulation… Ni les sionistes ni aucune criminelle force ne réussiront jamais
à briser la volonté de la Résistance à Gaza » (Georges Abdallah).
Ni l’État français, ni aucune criminelle force ne réussiront jamais à briser notre détermination à arracher notre
camarade des mains de l’ennemi. Libérons-les ! Libérons-le !
40 ans de prison ! Toute une vie de combat !

signè  par

Parti Communiste d’Inde Maoiste (CPI Maoist)

Comité International de support à la guerre populaire en Inde

Against G7 in Italy Puglia – statement of CPI (Maoist) diffused in the antiG7 demostration, with Modi’s presence – 15 june – ICSPWI

INDIA: Bloody Military operation Kagaar is for the interests of imperialists, including G-7 countries! Operation Kagaar is nothing but a genocide on indigenous people of India and revolutionaries for the loot of the India’s wealth! Raise your voice against Operation Kagaar and demand withdrawal of the MoUs of your countries and cry earth shakenly to stop it

ICSPWI – Mobilize in all kind of actions in support Indian revolution against Operation Kagaar !

1 – diffusion in all pro-palestinian demostrations in the world the 

call ‘against Operation Kagaar!

2 – in occasion of G7 Summit in Italy 13-15 june with Modi’s presence 

  campaign in the big demostration against 

the G7 in Taranto/Brindisi/Fasano

3 – we support International week for the George Abdallah’s freedom 

8-15 june

4 – actions in 19th June in solidarity with Indian political prisoners

1 july International Day of actions against Operation Kagaar 

in all the countries possible – 

for this day ICSPWI makes a new call in the nex days


  june 2024 

CC CPI (Maoist) – message to Programs in support to Palestine to ICSPWI – Dear Comrades, Red Salutes!



28 May, 2024

We welcome your stand on concentrating on various activities across the world in support of the Palestinian freedom struggle. As you said it is a prime issue before the worldwide people andespeciallybeforetheproletarianpartiesandanti-Imperialistforcesacrosstheworld.

Communist Party of India (Maoist) pays its revolutionary tributes to the revolutionary people of Palestine who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom for their mother land from the clutches of Israeli occupation. It conveys its Red salutes to all Palestinian people who are fighting with revolutionary zeal and national aspiration with extreme bravery against the fascist Israeli occupation and its brutal massacres, backed by the US and other western imperialist forces. We are with the Palestine people in their struggle for liberation.

The genocidal war on Palestine by the Zionist-Israeli war machine with the support of US-UK and other western imperialist forces continues unabated. At the same time, the imperialist countries led by US have hindered all peace process in UN assembly. Recently, US passed a bill to provide financial and military aid to Israel for its war on Palestine. At last, it helped to emerge and join thestudentsmovementswiththeglobaloutrageagainsttheUSimperialismandZionist-Israelistate.Tocrush the ongoing students’ movements in US campus, US ruling classes are not leaving a single stone unturned. Day to day the support for the Palestinian liberation struggle is escalating and the voice against the war is getting louder and louder. Communist Party of India (Maoist) resolutely stands with the ongoing movements in support of the Palestinian struggle. It upholds the just Palestine freedom struggle against imperialism as a whole and Israeli occupation and its every anti-national,anti-Palestine measures.

TheIndianpeopleandtherevolutionarymovementinIndiastandwiththearmedresistanceofthe Palestinian people against the Israeli goliath armed to teeth by the US. They also stand insolidarity with all pro-Palestine movements taking place across the world. The Communist Party ofIndia (Maoist) stands with the just freedom struggle of the Palestinian people against Israel and its bosses. CPI(Maoist) has expressed its unwavering support to Palestine liberation struggle on various occasions. The Political Resolution of the Central Committee of CPI(Maoist) in 2023 March specifically highlighted the decades-old struggle of Palestinian people for freedom of their motherland from the clutches of Israeli-Zionist state as a pivotal struggle against imperialism. It stated that “People of Palestine are fighting with dare for liberation of their motherland against the chauvinist aggression, military massacres and aerial attacks of Israel with the support of US”

The Central Committee immediately issued a statement condemning the unleashing of genocidal war by the Israeli Zionist state on Palestine in October, 2023. It gave a call to the democratic, progressive forces, students, intellectuals, writers, journalists, workers and peasants, left forces of India and nationality organizations to manifest their support to the Palestinian struggle in various forms in all possible ways. The statement also brought forth the matter that the concept of two-nation theory is fundamentally “against the basic rights of the Palestinian people”. The CC of the CPI(Maoist)vehemently condemned the stand of BrahmanicHindutva Fascist Indian state to curb all pro-Palestine solidarity movements in the country. By blocking the statement of our CC in support of the Palestinian struggle, the fascist Indian state declared war on pro-Palestine movements in India. Thousands of students,teachers,writers and revolutionary intellectuals took several demonstrations against the fascist Israeli state massacre of the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza. Seminars and conferences were held in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.

The Central Committee of CPI (Maoist) gave calls to all ”party ranks, PLGA Guerrillas Revolutionary Mass Organisations, Revolutionary People Committees and the entire ranks of United Front, people and democrats to observe the foundation week of People’s Liberation GuerrillaArmy (PLGA) from the 2nd to the 8th December, 2023, in protest to the unjust war of the puppet of US imperialism the fascist Israel on Gaza, in protest to the massacre of Palestine people and in support to the Palestine liberation struggle” In the revolutionary struggle areas, the revolutionary masses and revolutionary power organs, along with PLGA units, held several programs like mass rallies, burning effigies of Narendra Modi and Netanyahu and cultural programs in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle. At times of incessant bombings and rampant genocidal attacks on our people in our struggle areas in the name of “Operation Kagaar”, our party and the revolutionary masses undertook the above said programs in support of Palestine struggle.

Several magazines of the CPI (Maoist) from several divisions and zones brought out articles in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle upholding 4 main demands. Those demands are: 1. Reject two-nation theory as it fundamentally goes against the Palestine freedom struggle

2.Netanyahu and top military generals and officers, along with prominent leaders of the Likud party must be tried in International Court of Justice for committing genocides and be punished for its actions. US and other Western imperialist forces must be charged with war crime offences

3. To build movements in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and against the genocidal war

4.The Indian state must abjure from supporting Israel at the international arena and pressurize it to end war on Palestine. Before implementing these demands the US and its block must stop the war on Palestinians and restore peace. Our magazines analyzed the Palestinian struggle as an anti-imperialist and national liberation movement. The nexus between the military-industrial complex in this war was clearly put down in letters.

The statement issued by Amrut (InternationalAffairs-CentralCommittee), exposed the “nefarious design of the US imperialism to escalate the war on Palestine and expand the horizon of war in West Asia”. It also exposed the ideological affinity between the Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist BJP’s government and Zionist Israeli state. Before the rise of RSS-BJP to political power in 2014, the Indian state has always stood with the Palestinian freedom struggle. When Israel was carved outfrom Palestine and declared an independent nation, the Indian state did not recognize it. However, under the regime of fascist Narendra Modi, the Indian state has negated its earlier pro-Palestine stand. It has become a formidable ally of Israeli state. It has impudently abstained from voting against the Israeli genocides and the call to stop the war on Palestine in the UN General Assembly.This is nothing but tacit support to Israeli genocidal campaigns.

The Indian government which is in deep crisis and is not in a position to provide employment to its citizens, shamelessly sent 10,000 workers from India to Israel as replacement to poorly paid Palestinian workers. CPI (Maoist) expressed its solidarity with several Trade Union protests against this barbaric decision of the Narendra Modi’s government. ”Indian state under RSS-BJP regime is strongly emulating Israel and has established an unbreakable bond with it. India state through Israeli technologies and weapons has unleashed severe repression on the democratic voice and on the revolutionary movements. The indian state is imitating Zionist Israeli methods of repression on the oppressed nationalities and Oppressed masses in India. The CC of CPI (Maoist) gives a call to all mass organizations, democratic forces, haman right activists and all progressive sections to protest against the evil alliance between India and Zionist Israel”, the statement accentuated.

The burgeoning contradictions between the imperialist forces are causing imperialist war onoppressed nations and people and proxy war in Ukraine. “Imperialism is war”. Our party approachestheageoldPalestinianjuststrugglewiththisMarxist-Leninist-Maoistunderstanding.Attheinternational level, CPI (Maoist) identifies three fundamental contradictions: 1. The contradictionbetween imperialism and oppressed nations and people 2. The contradiction between the proletariatand the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries 3. The contradiction between the various imperialistpowers. Among these three contradictions, from our party perspective the first contradiction is theprincipalcontradiction.

The CC of CPI (Maoist) salutes all those brave-hearts especially the Palestinian people whoare determined to free their country at any cost. In this Imperialist backing Zionist massacre, morethan 35 thousand Palestinian people have lost their lives and more than 70 thousand injured themajoritybeingchildrenandwomen.ThefascistforceshaveturnedPalestineintoaspaceofrubbles.ButtheyhaveutterlyfailedtobreaktherevolutionaryspiritofthePalestinianpeople.Itishightimeto intensifythemassmovementsinsupportofthePalestinianstruggleandqualitativelyturnthemintoarevolutionarymilitant mass movement.

The CC assures to intensify to the best of its strength the pro-Palestine people’s movement in our country and participate in the solidarity movements across the globe which upholds the just demands of Palestine people.

The people of Palestine have been waging armed struggle against the Zionist-Israeli state for more than seventy years. Israel is nurtured and backed by US imperialism and other western imperialist forces.Their struggle reflects the concrete condition of Palestine. Imperialism is facing an unprecedented crisis. It is using war machines to crush the national liberation struggles, specially of Palestine. National liberation struggles are in essence anti-Imperialist and democratic in nature. Our Party firmly upholds and supports all national liberation struggles. This is our theoretical understanding on Nationality movements. We absolutely recognize the need of bringing all anti-Imperialist movements and forces under one common platform. This will provide firm impetus to the movements in solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle.

Abhay Spokesperson

Central Committee

 Immediately stop the massacres carried out by the army in Dandakaranya!!!! Stop Operation Kagar.



In the Facebook group of

‘Manushyavakasha Bahujana Koottayma’

From 5 to 16 June

6:30 pm.


The Brahminical Hindutva regime in India continues its brutal genocidal attacks on the indigenous peoples/adivasis especially in Central India.

These massacres against the Adivasis are being carried out by the ruling classes who move surreptitiously between casteism, Hindutva and fascism in Indian democracy. Let us recognise that the parliamentary parties who applauded the government during this Lok Sabha election period when it said ‘we have killed 103 adivasis’ (120 as of today!!!) are the protectors of Hindutva fascism and the servants of imperialism.

During the last month, three fake encounters claimed the lives of 29 people in Kanker district. On 11 May, 12 Adivasi farmers were shot dead by the army in Bijapur district. Five persons from Pedia village and seven from Etevar village were killed in a fake encounter carried out by Indian paramilitary forces.

These villagers, who had gone out to collect Tendu leaves (an ancient agricultural practice), were shot at by the security forces when they tried to flee in panic at the sight of the paramilitary forces. Many villagers were dragged out of their homes and shot dead. The security forces arrested 30 Adivasis for speaking out against this injustice. Talking to the local media, the adivasis revealed that among those killed were Sethu Kunjam, a fifth grader of Basaguda school, and Channu Avlam, a mentally ill person. One person, who was shot three times in the leg, refused to go to hospital for fear of being killed by security forces.

This is not an isolated incident in Bastar. In Bastar, fake encounters are regularly carried out by the security forces and the police, especially since the BJP came to power in Chhattisgarh. In the last five months there has been a significant escalation of attacks on tribal farmers in the forest regions of Central India.

The killings of popular political activists like Joganna (Cheemala Narasayya), Vinay (Kasaraboyina), Ravi, Mallesh (Undam Unkal), Sindhu Gadwe, Sarita Jatti, Chilaka (Kosi Kunjam) and tribal farmers like Mainu Karees, Ramla Norotti, Lahu Kovasi and Pardu Kovasi were extremely brutal.

This covert war against tribal farmers under the pretext of neutralising the Maoists is essentially genocide. Advanced weaponry, including Israeli-made drones, is being used extensively in this region. This January, for the fifth time, air strikes were carried out on villages in Bastar. There is a clear objective behind every action taken by the armed forces and police in the name of Maoist eradication in this area: access, with the consent of the Indian government, for the plunder of the natural resources of Adivasi lands by corporate capitalism. There are also vested interests that neither communist revolutionaries nor tribal and religious minorities should be an impediment in an India dominated by Hindutva fascism.

We must break our guilty silence against this ‘democracy’ that murders the tribal peasants of Bastar, who celebrate their crops and agriculture as festivals, and the Maoist revolutionaries who fight alongside them against the corporations, the Brahminical Hindutva fascists, the dalaals, the landlords and the mining mafias.

Their dream is an India without tribals through genocide (since tribals and Maoists are inseparable). The administration claims that those killed are Maoists, yet most of them are women, old people, children and the sick. Among those who, according to the administration, attacked the military are blind and mute…! ‘They were Maoist messengers’, say the police, and the media swallowed it.

Both tribals and Maoists are being brutally killed here. Regardless of the fact that they are also citizens of this country, what is happening here resembles attacks and killings by an occupying force. Bombs are even being dropped on people from the sky on multiple occasions.

Let us protest against the denial of permission to human rights activists who came to investigate the facts. Let us question the ongoing tribal genocide in Chhattisgarh known as ‘Operation Kagar [Final War]’!

To avoid exposing the truth of the mass killings, the CRPF constantly prevents leaders and activists of civil rights organisations from entering these areas to investigate the facts.

‘In the month of April, this issue came to the fore. We are familiar with the experience of being refused permission to visit areas where fake encounter killings are suspected to have taken place, a common occurrence in Kerala. In this context, serious concerns are raised about the continuing fake encounter killings. The CDRO (a coalition of civil rights organisations) sent several groups (40-60 people) to Chhattisgarh on 30 May to carry out two fact-finding missions. From Telangana, a group of human rights activists left for Kuntha village in Chhattisgarh and were stopped by CRPF personnel at 12 noon, but the human rights activists managed to protest against it. Another group of human rights activists, who chose another route to go to Chhattisgarh, was also stopped at 11 pm. It was a lie that there was no way to go when the CRPF-Maoist attack took place at Darbha Ghat.   

To really understand the reality of the atrocities perpetrated by Hindu fascist groups in the forests of Dandakaranya and to question such actions that are contrary to democracy and human rights, it is imperative to protect Human Rights.

It is surprising that neither the opposition nor the independent media have seen the reality behind these mass killings led by Hindutva fascist groups under the guise of ‘Great Democracy’.

We ourselves must step forward to protect our democratic rights.

From 1 June, protest actions and activities will take place not only in India but worldwide against ‘Operation Kagar’. All progressive-democratic believers should participate..

From 5 June, a Facebook live event will be held.

On 6 June, at 6.30 p.m., it will be inaugurated by prominent human rights activist and lawyer P. A. Pouran’.


K. Murali (Ajith)

Adv. John P.O. (NDLF)

Adv. Sugathan Paul (civil rights activist)

Adv. Kasturidevan (human rights activist)

John Kanakkari (Brahminya Hindutva Fascist Virudha Munnani)

Swapnesh Babu (Njattuvila Samskarika Pravarthaka Sangam )

K. Karthikeyan (Human Rights Activist)

Nahas C.P. (Progressive Youth Movement)

Hari (People’s Human Rights Movement)

Ajayan Mannur (Manushyavakasha Bahujana Koottayma)

In addition to these, there will be more participants in this event which will be held until June 16 on the Manushyavakasha Bahujana Koottayma Facebook page.

End Unjust Incarceration Of Comrade Prashant Bose And All Political Prisoners

On November 12, 2021, Mr. Prashant Bose, an elderly political activist from Jharkhand, and his comrade and partner, Shila Marandi, were arrested by the state police while traveling to a doctor’s appointment for a cataract procedure. Since then, despite being in critical health and being close to 80 years old, he has been imprisoned in a Jharkhand jail. He is a veteran political activist who has participated in and led several peasant uprisings in states like Bengal, undivided Bihar, and subsequently Jharkhand and Bihar.

We believe that although one may disagree with a certain political ideology, they should never be
criminalized for adopting an ideology that differs from the State’s. Rather than releasing this elderly man, the government has been pressing cases against him one after another, thus putting him behind bars for years at a time without a trial. This strategy effectively negates the supreme court’s dictum, “bail is rule, jail is the exception”, and thereby the Indian State has been transforming the legal process into substantive punishment.

Furthermore, it is inhumane on the part of the State to detain an octogenarian and keep him in prison.
Based on information gleaned from several news outlets, Mr. Bose is afflicted with multiple conditions
such as hypertension, paralysis, and others, which render him unable to even stand independently. We are aware that jail infrastructure is completely unfit for such elderly and sick people to conduct normal lives. This implies that detaining such individuals actually reduces their right to life guaranteed by the
constitution. We have already lost Father Stan Swamy as a result of the State’s indifference to letting him live a life of dignity.

A number of United Nations declarations on senior/ageing citizens (being affirmed by the Government of India) highlight the growing population of older prisoners and urge the nations to rethink the concept of care and custody of these “forgotten minority”. This perspective questions the “iron law of correction”and urge the nations to release the old, ageing and ailing prisoners with immediate effect. Therefore, viewing from this perspective too, any further incarceration of Mr. Bose (and others) is a gross violation of the international human rights law in regard to senior citizen-prisoners. Apart from this, The DIG of Jharkhand Police did not allow his relatives to visit him during the initial 3 months of his incarceration period. This is totally unconstitutional and goes against all the national and international jail codes. Neither the relatives, nor the civil rights activists are allowed to visit Mr. Bose.

India is increasingly moving towards becoming a fascist state, with police enforcement and complete
subjugation to the dictatorship of the Brahmanical Hindutva forces. Draconian laws like UAPA, which are modernized reenactments of laws like the colonial Rowlatt Law, have been woven into the Constitution. The Indian State, in a desperate attempt to stifle all voices of dissent, has launched an all-out attack on all progressive and democratic forces.

We, the undersigned organizations, demand the immediate and unconditional release of Prashant Bose and all political prisoners.

1. All India Students’ Association
2. All India Revolutionary Students’ Organization
3. Revolutionary Students’ Front, West Bengal
4. Democratic Youth Student Association, West Bengal
5. Progressive Democratic Student Federation, West Bengal
6. Committee for Release of Political Prisoners, West Bengal
7. Sangrami Krishak Manch, West Bengal
8. Association for Protection of Democratic Rights, West Bengal
9. Asansol Civil Rights Association, West Bengal
10. Bandi Mukti Committee, West Bengal
11. Jharkhand Council for Democratic Rights, Jharkhand
12. Viplava Rachayitala Sangham (Virasam), Andhra Pradesh
13. Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee, Andhra Pradesh
14. Forum Against Repression, Telengana
15. Telengana Civil Liberties Committee, Telangana
16. Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights, Nagaland
17. Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights, Tamil Nadu
18. Students Uprising Movement for Social Welfare, Tamil Nadu
19. Revolutionary Students and Youth Front, Tamil Nadu
20. Makkal Adhikaram, Tamil Nadu
21. Makkal Adhikaram, Pondicherry
22. Moolvasi Bachao Manch, Chattisgarh
23. Students For Society, Punjab
24. Association For Democratic Rights, Punjab
25. Association For Democratic Rights, Haryana
26. Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Morcha, Delhi
27. Revolutionary Students League, Delhi
28. Campaign Against State Repression, Delhi
29. Dayar-i-Shauq Students Charter, Delhi
30. Parivartankami Chhatra Sangham, Delhi
31. Ambedkar Students Association, Delhi
32. Moolnibasi Student Youth Front, Odisha
33. Moolnibasi Literature Club, Odisha
34. Democratic Students Association, Kerala
35. Porattom, Kerala

36. International League of People’s Struggle
37. International Committee to Support People’s War in India
38. All Burma Federation of Students Unions, Myanmar
39. Revolutionary Students Union, United States of America
40. All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union (Revolutionary), Nepal
41. Revolutionary Student Youth Movement, Bangladesh
42. Yeni Demokrat Gençlik, Turkey
43. Progressive Students Collective, Pakistan
44. League of Filipino Students, Philippines
45. Young Communist League, Switzerland
46. Marxist Students Collective, England
47. Young Revolutionaries/League of Young Revolutionaries, France
48. Unity Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, France
49. The Red CRI for the Defense of Revolutionary Prisoners, France
50. The Committee of Actions and Support for the Struggles of the Moroccan People, France
51. Action for the Democratic Rights of the People, Austria
52. Revolutionary People’s Student Movement, Brazil
53. Red Unity – Revolutionary Youth League, Brazil
54. People’s Dawn, Brazil
55. Red Mangue, Brazil
56. People’s Student League, Brazil
57. People’s Women’s Movement, Columbia
58. Student Movement Serving the People, Columbia
59. Red League, Germany
60. Kämpfende Jugend Bremen, Germany
61. Roter Aufbruch Dresden, Germany,
62. Roter Ring [Braunschweig], Germany
63. Rote Jugend Rostock, Germany
64. Rote Jugend Mittelfranken, Germany
65. Struggle Committee, Norway

66. Partizan, Turkey
67. Nazariya – Kal Ka, India
68. Towards A New Dawn, India
69. Burning Ballot Box, America
70. Serve the People, Vietnam

Important CPI (Maoist) documents

"Against Proposed Aerial Attacks on Adivasi Areas"

Red Homage to CPI(Maoist) Central Committee member Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan!

“The closure of three thousand schools and ashrams by the CG government is a symbol of the economic and academic bankruptcy and its anti people character”

“In Support of the Australian Indigenous Peoples’ Struggle Against Adani”

“Rise Against the Proposed Salva Judum-2 with the name Vikas Sangharsh Samithi (Committee to Struggle for Development)! — An appeal to the people, democrats, progressive intellectuals, writers, teachers, lawyers, media personnel, human rights organizations, adivasi, non-adivasi social organizations, sarv samaj, sarv adivasi samaj”

“A Call to the People to Fight Back the New Form of Salva Judum and the Supportive Organization of Greenhunt, Salva Judum-2”

“Boycott the Visit of Modi, the Prime Servant of CBB and MNCs to Chhattisgarh”

“Against the Family Planning Murders of Women”

“Condemn the Limitation on Buying Paddy”, in support of the peasant’s struggle

“Against Harrakoder Fake Encounter"

MIB Interview with Comrade Ganapathy: “Building on the new, unique and unprecedented achievements of the last decade, Indian revolution will certainly overcome the difficult situation to win newer, larger and more glorious victories”

Unite, Fight Back and Defeat ‘OGH—Third Phase’ of the Fascist Modi Government

Fight Back [against] the Anti-Working Class Amendments to Labour Laws by the NDA Goverment! Vikas model of Modi is Vinash for the people of India and Vistar for the imperialists and compradors!

CC Collected Statements: Volume 1 (September 2004 - February 2007)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 2 (March 2007 - July 2010)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 3 (August 2010 - August 2014)

Collected Interviews — September 2004 - August 2014

Message to the Milan International Conference in Solidarity with the People’s War in India

A Call to the People of India! Shatter the shackles of imperialism and feudalism, Destroy this rotten system! Build your future and that of the country with your own hands!

Statement in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Pamphlet in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Condemn the Invasion of Gaza and Massacre of Palestinians by Zionist Israel! Hail the Heroic National Liberation Struggle for Independent Palestine!

Pamphlet and in honor of Com. Barunda (Sushil Roy), put out by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Jan Sangram Issue4 July 2014 -Hindi

CC CPI(Maoist) Statement on the Lok Sabha Election Results

Jan Sangram 2014 March - Special Election Boycott Issue -Hindi

Jan Sangram, 2014 Pamphlet On International Day Of Support -Hindi

Tongpal Ambush is the Consequence of White Terrorism of the Indian State in the name of Operation Green Hunt — ‘War on the People

Merger Declaration of the CPI(Maoist) and CPI(M-L)Naxalbari

Boycott the sham parliament & assembly elections!

Comrade Abhay Interview on General Elections — 2014

Condolence Message of the CC, CPI(Maoist) on the Demise of Comrade S. A. Rauf

The message for the International Conference in Hamburg by the Secretary, CPI(Maoist)

The Call of the CC, CPI(Maoist) to celebrate the 9° anniversary of the Party

On the PLGA Attack of May 25