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India – terror state against the people



Soyam Rame aged 45 years wife of Soyam Cama resident of Gompad Village District Sukma. This is the same village where, on 13th June, 2015, Madkam Hidme was taken from her house and was murdered by security forces. The killing was showcased as an encounter between the security forces and naxalites and has been pending in the Chhattisgarh High Court till today. Soni Sori, tribal activist organised the August Kranti March to highlight this incident. A similar incident has also happened with Soyam Rame. Four women of Gompad village were going to the farm of Soyam Rame for fishing when the the Konta-Sukma police surrounded the women and opened fire. The women tried to escape the bullets, but one of the four women, Soyam Rame, was shot on her thigh. The bullet entered inside her body and has not been extracted yet. This incident occured on December 12th, 2017 on Monday. The police left thereafter. The women of the village are still scared.
Soyam Rame was brought in a critical situation to Bhadrachalam District for medical treatment by her husband. Her husband and she have been threatened by the police that if asked by anyone, she must say that she had gone with other women villagers to gather wood and was hurt by the wood, or she will be labelled a Maoist and a warrant will be issued against her accordingly. Soyam Rame’s husband, Soyam Kama, is still scared.


On the behest of the families of Soyam Rame in Gompad village, social worker Soni Sori, Ramdev Baghel, mother of Madkam Hidme Lakshmi and the kin of Soyam Rame had gone to visit Soyam Rame in the hospital from Bastar. Soyam Muka informed them that he had initially taken Rame to the government hospital in Bhadrachalam but the government doctor refused to provide treatment and asked them to take her to a private hospital. Rame has been admitted in Jaya Bharti Hospital for treatment. The treatment has not started yet. The bullet has been lodged in her body for 9 daysand the poison is spreading in her whole body. If not treated soon, Soyam Rame could die of poisoning. We urge all of you to help save the life of this woman.

Press Statement Issued by Bhangor Andolan Sanhati Committee

January 7, 2018

January 5, 2018: Bhangor Andolan Sanhati Committee unequivocally condemns the state and non state terror unleashed on the people of Bhangor protesting against the illegal setting up of a powergrid project on their fertile, multicrop lands with scant regard to existing rules and laws.
We have noted with grave consternation the armed terror unleashed on the villages of Khamarait, Machhibhanga, Gajipur, Tona, etc. by gun wielding hooligans acting under the direct leadership of ex MLA Arabul Islam. For the past one week, repeated and concerted acts of such violence have occurred including attacks on media personnel. Despite multiple FIRs filed against Arabul Islam and his henchmen, the police continue to blatantly offer him protection.
Yesterday, around 100 activists — including students and intellectuals — on their way to Bhangor, to attend the public meeting called by the Jomi Jibika Bastutantro O Poribesh Raksha Committee, were illegally detained by the police at Baguiati PS. Anti powergrid activists of the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti of Assam were picked up by the STF and detained at Belghoria PS for 12 hours, in a show of the most rabid kind of authoritarianism by the government.
We apprehend further attacks on the villages affected by the powergrid project in the coming days, especially since the miscreants have the blessings of the police and administration, and are being egged on by Trinamool leaders including a minister who has openly threatened to crush the protestors like ‘insects’. The Chief Minister, instead of listening to the aggrieved villagers, is holding meetings with these Trinamool leaders.
This all out attack on the basic democratic rights of the people to life and liberty cannot be tolerated. Bhangor Andolan Sanhati Committee shall do everything in its power to resist this heinous onslaught on democracy. We shall take to the streets in surging numbers to protest against all attempts by the ruling party and Trinamool government to crush dissent.
Since the Chief Minister has announced in the Bidhan Sabha that the powergrid project will not be set up in Bhangor against the wishes of the people, we request her to stand by her own words. We demand:
1. Scrap the powergrid project in Bhangor, since the people’s mandate is quite unambiguous.
2. Initiate dialogue with the Jomi Jibika Bastutantro O Poribesh Raksha Committee.
3. Stop state and non state terror on the villages of Bhangor as well as against activists supporting the anti powergrid movement.
4. Withdraw all — patently false — cases filed against anti powergrid activists.
Anuradha Deb
Jayatu Deshmukh
Sankar Das


(for Bhangor Andolan Sanhati Committee)

1967/2017 – conclusion of 50th Naxalbari anniversary celebration! – 2018 towards a spring thunder european support people’s war tour promoved by ICSPWI

Long Live the Heroic Peasants
in Naxalbari!

Published:  Liberation, July 1971-January 1972
Source: Selected Works of Charu Mazumdar

The social system that exists in India is semi-feudal and semi-colonial. So the democratic revolution in this country means agrarian revolution. All the problems of India are related to this one task. On this question of agrarian revolution there has been difference of opinion in Marxist circles from the beginning of this century and among Marxists the struggle between the two policies-the one revolutionary and the other counter-revolutionary-continues. The Mensheviks side-tracked the question of State power and searched for a solution in municipalization. Lenin declared a crusade against it and said that it was not possible to solve the problem by side-tracking the question of State power. He showed that however progressive the legislation framed by one might be, the present State structure could not implement it. The condition of the peasant will remain the same. That was why he said that only the democratic State of workers and peasants, led by the working class, could solve this problem. Only the other day even the Soviet Party writer, Yudin, while criticizing Nehru’s Basic Approach, said that Nehru had not till then been able to solve the peasant problem. He challenged Nehru to show, in practice, how this problem could be solved in a peaceful way and added that Nehru would fail to do so. History has proved that, far from solving this problem, Nehru was not able even to bring about an iota of change.

After the twentieth congress of the Soviet party, the door to revisionism was opened wide and, as a result, the Soviet State has been transformed from a Socialist State into a capitalist State. By making the theory of peaceful transition to socialism-adopted at that twentieth congress-their basic guiding principle, the revisionists of our country are shouting loudly that the peasants’ struggle for land is a struggle for realization of economic demands and that it is adventurism to talk of the State machinery. What strange similarity between the words of Dange and Basavapunnia!
What strange cooperation between Biswanath Mukherji and Harekrishna Konar! This is not accidental since its source is one and that is the Menshevik counter-revolutionary ideology. That is why the cunning rulers of the Soviet State have repeatedly declared that it is only by using fertilizers, improved seeds and agricultural implements that India’s food problem can be solved. It is in this manner that they are coming forward to save India’s reactionary ruling clique; they are concealing from the masses the basic and effective way of solving India’s food, unemployment, poverty and other problems. This is because the Soviet State is today collaborating with British-American imperialists and has been turned into a State which exploits the masses of India. With the help of the native bourgeoisie the Soviet Union is also trying to invest capital in our country. In the sphere of trade and commerce with our country it has come to enjoy special facilities. That is why the arguments of the reactionary ruling clique are pouring out from the mouths of its spokesmen in a continuous flow and at an uninterrupted speed. That is why, as a collaborator of Britain and the U. S. A., the Soviet State also is our enemy and it is by taking shelter under their wings that the reactionary Government of India weighs like a corpse upon the shoulders of the masses. But even then Naxalbari has been created and hundreds of Naxalbaris are smouldering. This is because on the soil of India the revolutionary peasantry is heir to the heroic revolutionary peasants of great Telengana. The then Party leadership betrayed the heroic peasant struggle of Telengana and it did so by using the name of great Stalin. Many of those who are occupying the positions of Party leaders today were a party to the act of betrayal on that day! On bent knees, we will have to take lessons from those heroes of Telengana, not only to have strength to carry the red banner of revolt but also to have faith in the international revolutionary authority. What boundless respect they had for the international leadership-the name of Stalin made them place their lives fearlessly at the disposal of the reactionary government of India. In all ages and in all climes this revolutionary loyalty is necessary for organizing revolutions. We must learn from the experience of the heroes of Telengana: we must take the mask off the face of those who oppose Marxism-Leninism by using the name of Stalin. We will have to snatch from their hands the Red Flag dyed with the blood of hundreds of workers and peasants. The traitors have, by touching that Flag with their hands, stained it.
Naxalbari lives and will live. This is because it is based on invincible Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought. We know that as we move forward we shall face many obstacles, many difficulties, many acts of betrayal and there will be many setbacks. But Naxalbari will not die because the bright sunlight of Chairman Mao’s Thought has fallen on it like a blessing. When Naxalbari receives congratulations from the heroes in the rubber plantations of Malaya who have been engaged in struggle for 20 years, when congratulations are sent by Japanese comrades who have been fighting against the revisionist leadership of their own Party, when such congratulations come from the Australian revolutionaries, when the comrades of the armed forces of great China send their greetings, we feel the significance of that immortal call, “Workers of the World, Unite”, we have a feeling of oneness and our conviction becomes more strong and firm that we have our dear relations in all lands. Naxalbari has not died and it will never die.

Delhi Press Conference Video of Suneeta Pottam and Munni Pottam on Extra-Judicial Killings in Chhattisgarh

A Public Interest Litigation challenging the spate of encounters in Bijapur was filed last year before the Chhattisgarh High Court in Bilaspur by two young women from Korcholi with extra-ordinary grit and determination –Suneeta Pottam (19 years old).and Munni Pottam (18 years old). WSS is the third petitioner in this case.
Faced with a dozen affidavits of the villagers whose family members were killed, the High Court of Bilaspur held that the questions of extra judicial executions and government policies which are responsible for these are similar in spirit to the issues raised by the Salwa Judum petition (Nandini Sundar and Ors vs. State of Chhattisgarh), currently being heard by the Supreme Court. Following which, the young Petitioners filed a Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court last year seeking the transfer of their PIL to the Supreme Court. Suneeta and Munni Pottam were in Delhi to attend the hearing of their transfer petition on Wednesday, 10 January 2018.
At a press conference these young women talked about these cases of encounters along with the details of the very recent physical and sexual assault of the the women of the villages where Suneeta and Munni live. They also talked about the harassment and threats that they have been receiving by the Bastar police ( as recent as few weeks back) as result of filing this petition, who have threatened them that if they keep raising these issues which show the police in a bad light, they would be arrested for Naxalite offences and thrown into jail. Shaken but not defeated, these young women came to Delhi to put their continuous harassment on record before the apex court at the coming hearing.

Short note on incidents
Initially the petition was filed regarding the extra-judicial executions of 6 people, which took place in the villages of Kadenar, Palnar, Korcholi and Andri in Bijapur district over the course of the last year. As the case wound its way through the High Court, other cases from the area were also added. Accompanying this petition are sworn affidavits of ten villagers who are family members of the deceased or eye witnesses of the incident, who challenge the police versions.  In Kadenar, the villagers talk about how a married couple, Tati Pande and Manoj Hapka, were forced out of their home in the evening at gunpoint, on the pretext of getting them “surrendered” in the Gangaloor police station. In Palnar, Seetu Hemla was dragged from the fields which he was ploughing, with his hands tied behind him, in full view of his young wife, mother and other villagers. In Korcholi, the womenfolk witnessed Sukku Kunjam of Itavar being shot point-blank, while he was visiting his relatives house in November 2015.
In the remote village of Andri, which is a day’s walk from the closest, motorable road, the police have not claimed any encounter, nor registered any death.  However, the villagers recall that in February of this year, the police party mortally wounded Kudhami Ganga, a young man, by shooting him while he was collecting siyadi leaves for a village wedding.  The police team probably never realized that Kuhdami Ganga had succumbed to his injuries some minutes after they shot at him, and never collected his body – hence, this killing probably does not figure in the celebrated “century” of encounters.   A few days later, the same patrol team killed or mortally wounded a 9-10 year old boy, Sodi Sannu, who was tending his family’s tomato fields.   His death too does not figure in the dubious “century” for the obvious reason that it is diffcult to pass off an obviously young child as a Naxalite.  What has been done with Sodi Sannu’s body is a question that still haunts his parents.
There was the extra judicial execution of Mangu Korme of Peddakorma village who was captured by the security forces while chasing a monkey attacking the village’s paddy stocks. He was paraded in the villages as a captive, and then killed in cold blood. There was also an attempted extra judicial killing of Mangu Tati of Palnar village who was captured by the forces while in the forest trying to gather some bamboos, but he was rescued by the village women who covered his body with their own and would not let the police shoot him.

Maoists release letter against police atrocities

Malkangiri: Maoists who had surrendered in the recent past have done so due to pressure from the police and people who are inspired by the Maoist ideology will never lay down arms and will continue to fight till last, a letter released by the Kalimela Area Committee of CPI (Maoists) said.
The letter which was issued by the committee secretary Randev stated that police are spreading false propaganda that Maoists are surrendering on their own. But, the fact is that the security personnel are pressurizing rebels to surrender. Police are also threatening the family members of the Naxals, the letter alleged.
Police atrocities against tribals and Maoist families are growing by the day and it will not be tolerated any more, the letter read. Police are trying to create rift between Maoists and common people, which will not bear any fruit, Randev maintained. He also warned the surrendered rebels of severe punishment as they have turned against the common man.

Maoists release letter against police atrocities

Malkangiri: Maoists who had surrendered in the recent past have done so due to pressure from the police and people who are inspired by the Maoist ideology will never lay down arms and will continue to fight till last, a letter released by the Kalimela Area Committee of CPI (Maoists) said.
The letter which was issued by the committee secretary Randev stated that police are spreading false propaganda that Maoists are surrendering on their own. But, the fact is that the security personnel are pressurizing rebels to surrender. Police are also threatening the family members of the Naxals, the letter alleged.
Police atrocities against tribals and Maoist families are growing by the day and it will not be tolerated any more, the letter read. Police are trying to create rift between Maoists and common people, which will not bear any fruit, Randev maintained. He also warned the surrendered rebels of severe punishment as they have turned against the common man.

Here the reply from European Commission to the question from europarlamentary Lidia Senra about professor GN Saibaba’s case

With a new demonstration of cynicism, hypocrisy and complicity with the genocide that is occurring in India against the Adivasis, Dalits and activists, the European Commission responded to the question of Euro-parliamentary Lidia Senra on the situation of Professor GN Saibaba, thus demonstrating the role that The EU plays the exploitation and repression suffered by the people of India and more specifically in the case of Professor GN Saibaba where every day that passes is another day of torture.

From here we demand the immediate freedom of Professor GN Saibaba and all political prisoners of India, as well as the end of the Genocide Operation “Green Hunt.”
Answer given by Vice-President Mogherini
on behalf of the Commission

As a signatory to major international human rights conventions and given its commitment to the United Nations (UN), the Republic of India has made constant efforts to progress with regard to respect for human rights and democratic principles. In connection with its membership in the UN Human Rights Council and most recently in the context of its third Universal Periodic Review, with strong participation of the EU Member States, it has pledged further action to improve the human rights situation and to fulfil its human rights obligations, with a particular emphasis on socio-economic development and the eradication of poverty.

The EU continues to follow the case of professor Saibaba convicted by sessions court in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra in March 2017. As Professor Saibaba lodged an appeal against the verdict with the Nagpur High Court, the case is still sub judice. The EU has been raising the case on humanitarian grounds with the Indian authorities. ” 

Important CPI (Maoist) documents

"Against Proposed Aerial Attacks on Adivasi Areas"

Red Homage to CPI(Maoist) Central Committee member Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan!

“The closure of three thousand schools and ashrams by the CG government is a symbol of the economic and academic bankruptcy and its anti people character”

“In Support of the Australian Indigenous Peoples’ Struggle Against Adani”

“Rise Against the Proposed Salva Judum-2 with the name Vikas Sangharsh Samithi (Committee to Struggle for Development)! — An appeal to the people, democrats, progressive intellectuals, writers, teachers, lawyers, media personnel, human rights organizations, adivasi, non-adivasi social organizations, sarv samaj, sarv adivasi samaj”

“A Call to the People to Fight Back the New Form of Salva Judum and the Supportive Organization of Greenhunt, Salva Judum-2”

“Boycott the Visit of Modi, the Prime Servant of CBB and MNCs to Chhattisgarh”

“Against the Family Planning Murders of Women”

“Condemn the Limitation on Buying Paddy”, in support of the peasant’s struggle

“Against Harrakoder Fake Encounter"

MIB Interview with Comrade Ganapathy: “Building on the new, unique and unprecedented achievements of the last decade, Indian revolution will certainly overcome the difficult situation to win newer, larger and more glorious victories”

Unite, Fight Back and Defeat ‘OGH—Third Phase’ of the Fascist Modi Government

Fight Back [against] the Anti-Working Class Amendments to Labour Laws by the NDA Goverment! Vikas model of Modi is Vinash for the people of India and Vistar for the imperialists and compradors!

CC Collected Statements: Volume 1 (September 2004 - February 2007)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 2 (March 2007 - July 2010)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 3 (August 2010 - August 2014)

Collected Interviews — September 2004 - August 2014

Message to the Milan International Conference in Solidarity with the People’s War in India

A Call to the People of India! Shatter the shackles of imperialism and feudalism, Destroy this rotten system! Build your future and that of the country with your own hands!

Statement in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Pamphlet in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Condemn the Invasion of Gaza and Massacre of Palestinians by Zionist Israel! Hail the Heroic National Liberation Struggle for Independent Palestine!

Pamphlet and in honor of Com. Barunda (Sushil Roy), put out by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Jan Sangram Issue4 July 2014 -Hindi

CC CPI(Maoist) Statement on the Lok Sabha Election Results

Jan Sangram 2014 March - Special Election Boycott Issue -Hindi

Jan Sangram, 2014 Pamphlet On International Day Of Support -Hindi

Tongpal Ambush is the Consequence of White Terrorism of the Indian State in the name of Operation Green Hunt — ‘War on the People

Merger Declaration of the CPI(Maoist) and CPI(M-L)Naxalbari

Boycott the sham parliament & assembly elections!

Comrade Abhay Interview on General Elections — 2014

Condolence Message of the CC, CPI(Maoist) on the Demise of Comrade S. A. Rauf

The message for the International Conference in Hamburg by the Secretary, CPI(Maoist)

The Call of the CC, CPI(Maoist) to celebrate the 9° anniversary of the Party

On the PLGA Attack of May 25