
1st of July International Day of Action against the Operation Kahaar! – ICSPWI – English and spanish

While the genocide is perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Zionists of the Israeli government, the Yankee imperialists and various states that call themselves “democratic”, in India, the largest “democracy in the world”, the friend of Netanyahu and the Zionists, the Prime Minister Modi, continues his genocidal strategy against the Adivasis and the revolutionary movement, this time with the called Operation Kaagar.

Having bravely and heroically resisted the genocidal Operation Green Hunt and the continued genocidal campaigns, the revolutionary movement and indigenous peoples of India are facing a new offensive by the Brahmanical Hindutva State.

The Indian ruling classes, concerned about the revolutionary movement of the people, praise all their armed machines to eliminate the revolutionary movement with the mission to get a “Maoist-free India” by the end of 2024.

We cannot remain impassive in the face of this new fascist attempt by the Indian government to eliminate the only alternative to this system of exploitation and oppression of the people.

Therefore, as ICSPWI, we call on all the revolutionary individuals and organizations, political activists and revolutionary masses to struggle and resist the crimes of the reactionary Indian State and expose these crimes.

For this 1st of July, we launch a call to carry out actions at embassies, consulates and other institutions and interests of India in the world, according to the national and local conditions in each country, to be a fist of unity of internationalist solidarity which hits with determination the fascist and genocidal regime of Modi and the new genocidal operation Kahaar, to show, with our fists raised, our unconditional support for the people’s masses of India, for the glorious people’s war and the party that leads it, as an inseparable part of the World Proletarian Revolution.






 ICSPWI 19 th june 2024 

1 Julio día internacional de acción 
contra la Operación Kahaar!
Mientras se perpetra el genocidio contra el pueblo Palestino por los sionistas del gobierno de Israel, los imperialistas yanquis y diversos estados que se llaman “democráticos”. En la India, en la mayor “democracia del mundo”, el amigo de Netanyahu y de los sionistas, el Primer Ministro Modi, continua con su estrategia genocida contra los Adivasis y el movimiento revolucionario, de esta vez denominada Operación Kaagar.
Después de resistir valientemente y heroicamente a la operación genocida Green Hunt y a sus continuas campañas genocidas, el movimiento revolucionario y los pueblos indígenas de la India se enfrentan a una nueva ofensiva del Estado brahmánico Hindutva. 
Las clases dominantes indias, preocupadas por el movimiento revolucionario del pueblo, ensalzan todas sus maquinarias armadas para eliminar el movimiento revolucionario en esta misión de una “India libre de maoístas” para finales del año 2024.
No podemos quedar impasibles ante este nuevo intento fascista del gobierno de la India de eliminar la única alternativa a este sistema de explotación y de opresión de los pueblos.
Por eso, desde el CIAGPI hacemos un llamado a todas las personalidades y organizaciones revolucionarias, activistas políticos y masas revolucionarias a luchar y resistir los crímenes del gobierno reaccionario indio y exponer estos crímenes.
Este 1 de Julio lanzamos un llamado a realizar acciones en embajadas, consulados y otras instituciones e intereses de la India en el mundo, en función de las condiciones nacionales y locales de cada país, para ser un puño de unidad de solidaridad internacionalista para golpear con determinación al régimen fascista y genocida de Modi y su nueva operación genocida Kahaar y para mostrar con el puño en alto, nuestro apoyo incondicional a las masas populares de la India, a la gloriosa guerra popular y al partido que la dirige, como parte inseparable de la Revolución Proletaria Mundial.

CIAPI - 19 junio 2024


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Important CPI (Maoist) documents

"Against Proposed Aerial Attacks on Adivasi Areas"

Red Homage to CPI(Maoist) Central Committee member Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan!

“The closure of three thousand schools and ashrams by the CG government is a symbol of the economic and academic bankruptcy and its anti people character”

“In Support of the Australian Indigenous Peoples’ Struggle Against Adani”

“Rise Against the Proposed Salva Judum-2 with the name Vikas Sangharsh Samithi (Committee to Struggle for Development)! — An appeal to the people, democrats, progressive intellectuals, writers, teachers, lawyers, media personnel, human rights organizations, adivasi, non-adivasi social organizations, sarv samaj, sarv adivasi samaj”

“A Call to the People to Fight Back the New Form of Salva Judum and the Supportive Organization of Greenhunt, Salva Judum-2”

“Boycott the Visit of Modi, the Prime Servant of CBB and MNCs to Chhattisgarh”

“Against the Family Planning Murders of Women”

“Condemn the Limitation on Buying Paddy”, in support of the peasant’s struggle

“Against Harrakoder Fake Encounter"

MIB Interview with Comrade Ganapathy: “Building on the new, unique and unprecedented achievements of the last decade, Indian revolution will certainly overcome the difficult situation to win newer, larger and more glorious victories”

Unite, Fight Back and Defeat ‘OGH—Third Phase’ of the Fascist Modi Government

Fight Back [against] the Anti-Working Class Amendments to Labour Laws by the NDA Goverment! Vikas model of Modi is Vinash for the people of India and Vistar for the imperialists and compradors!

CC Collected Statements: Volume 1 (September 2004 - February 2007)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 2 (March 2007 - July 2010)

CC Collected Statements: Volume 3 (August 2010 - August 2014)

Collected Interviews — September 2004 - August 2014

Message to the Milan International Conference in Solidarity with the People’s War in India

A Call to the People of India! Shatter the shackles of imperialism and feudalism, Destroy this rotten system! Build your future and that of the country with your own hands!

Statement in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Pamphlet in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on September 21, 2004, issued by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Condemn the Invasion of Gaza and Massacre of Palestinians by Zionist Israel! Hail the Heroic National Liberation Struggle for Independent Palestine!

Pamphlet and in honor of Com. Barunda (Sushil Roy), put out by the Odisha State Committee of the CPI (Maoist) -Hindi

Jan Sangram Issue4 July 2014 -Hindi

CC CPI(Maoist) Statement on the Lok Sabha Election Results

Jan Sangram 2014 March - Special Election Boycott Issue -Hindi

Jan Sangram, 2014 Pamphlet On International Day Of Support -Hindi

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Comrade Abhay Interview on General Elections — 2014

Condolence Message of the CC, CPI(Maoist) on the Demise of Comrade S. A. Rauf

The message for the International Conference in Hamburg by the Secretary, CPI(Maoist)

The Call of the CC, CPI(Maoist) to celebrate the 9° anniversary of the Party

On the PLGA Attack of May 25